Condition Monitoring
A range of topics and approaches related to fluid condition monitoring, vibration analysis, and structural health monitoring.
An Introduction to Fluid Condition Monitoring
Cameron Hoswell, Hastings Deering CAT
Fluid analysis, as a condition monitoring technique, includes the analysis of hydraulics, coolants and industrial gear oils. The analysis focuses on both the health of the fluid as well as the health of the asset which the fluid has been sampled from. Learn more about how fluid analysis can be utilised in your organisation as part of it asset condition monitoring program.
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An Introduction to Vibration Analysis
Jim Potter, Reliability Engineer, Thermalign
Vibration analysis is a well-established condition monitoring technique which is predominantly utilised for rotating equipment. The analysis allows trained vibration technicians to better understand the behaviours of asset components and is widely used to track and monitor condition. Learn more about how the applications, tools and techniques of vibration analysis could be used to support your organisation as part of it asset condition monitoring program.
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An Introduction to Structural Health Monitoring
John Vazey, Engineering Manager, Eng Analysis
Structural health monitoring, its theory, its application and associated technology has advanced significantly in the last 10 years which now presents asset managers with a unparalleled opportuntity to better understand the conditions and performance of their structural assets. Historically, structural-type assets have had little telemetry and data captured from them outside of human physical inspections. John and the team at EngAnalysis are leaders in SHM theory and application and look forward to sharing the lesson’s they’ve learned along their journey.
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