Past Collections

In conjunction with the Asset Leadership Network, the objective of the Value & Benefits from Asset Management webinar series is to support executives and their organisations start and complete their asset management journey by collecting and sharing stories of successful asset management implementation. Please enjoy past sessions below:

#13 – Parks and Recreation Asset Management and UN Sustainability Goals

Chris Silkie is Asset Management Program Manager for the City of Portland, Oregon, Parks and Recreation.

Ben Hayden, is Executive General Manager, Asset Management for Gladstone Ports Corporation

May 2024 | Download slides here

#12 – United Nations Managing Infrastructure Assets for Sustainable Development

Daniel Platz, PhD, United Nations, Senior Economic Affairs Officer, Department of Social and Economic Affairs

Linda Watson, Masters in Engineering and a PhD in Civil Engineering.

March 2024

#11 – Asset Management and Sustainability Goals in the Water Industry

Amanda Lewry is the General Manager, Sustainable Infrastructure at South Australia Water.

Jessica Dzara is Director of Operations & Maintenance Programs, Loudoun Water, in Loudon County, Virginia

February 2024 | Download slides here

#10 – Lessons Learned from Asset Management Certification

Dave Daines, Director, World Partners in Asset Management

Dominic Townsend, President, ABS Quality Evaluations

October 2023 | Download slides here

#9 – Rail and Bus Asset Management

David Kraft, Director Enterprise Asset Management, Metropolitan Transit Administration, New York

James (Jim) Kennedy, Mechanical Engineer with post-graduate qualifications in Risk Management and in Maintenance Engineering and Management from Swinburne University.

August 2023 | Download slides here

#8 – Determining the Value Realisation in a Transport Organisation

John Hardwick, Executive Director for Asset Management, Transport for NSW

Mike Santos, Program Manager, KBR

June 2023 | Download slides here

#7 – Asset Management in Support of National Defence

Rachel Scott, Director of Education and Training, The Asset Management College

Peter Dodgion, Civil Works Asset Management Chief, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

April 2023 | Download slides here

#6 – Managing Data as an Asset

John Hardwick, Executive Director for Asset Management, Transport for NSW

Kimon Onuma, President, Onuma Inc., a consultant to California Community Colleges and it’s Los Angelas Community College District

February 2023 | Download slides here

#5 – ISO 55001 Compliance Journey

Andrew McAlpine, Asset Systems and Compliance Manager, Transgrid

Washington DC Government’s Strategic Approaches to Asset Information Management

Richard Dietz, Project Manager – Capital Asset Replacement Scheduling System at DC Government’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer

October 2022 | Download slides here

#4 – Avoiding Misconceptions about ISO 55001

Glenn Schumacher, Head of Engineering, Energy Australia 

Enhancing and Sustaining Value Delivered by Asset Management

Living Asset Management Think Tank

July 2022 | Download slides here

#3 – 4 Years of Asset Management Values & Benefits for the State of Victoria

Nicholas Phillips, Executive Director, MACE Consulting

ISO 55001 Certification / Recertification and Expansion

Gary Merrow, VP, Facilities Management, Atlanta Airlines Terminal Company

February 2022 | Download slides here

#2 – The U.S. Airforce’s ISO 55000 Journey

Russell Weniger, Chief, Facility Operations, U.S. Airforce 

Benefits of Asset Management, a 5 Year Review

Anu Karunaratne, Asset Management Systems Manager, Brisbane Airport Corporation

November 2021 | Download slides here

#1 – ISO 55001 Certification/Recertification Journey

Art Kurland, Director, Capital & Asset Management, University Health, San Antonio, Texas

Repurposing Assets

Peter Robinson, Asset Management Consultant to AMPOL (formerly Caltex) Australia

September 2021 | Download slides here