The Asset Journal welcomes editorial submissions for technical articles, opinion pieces, news, and business information.

The Asset Journal is the Asset Management Council’s official publication. Commencing in 2007, this quarterly Journal continues to cover the latest asset management and maintenance topics for its members and the wider asset management and maintenance community. It contains technical articles, tutorials, informal articles about current issues in asset management, chapter news, and updates from the CEO and Chairman.

Acceptance of editorial submissions is at the discretion of the editors and the editorial board. Technical articles should be scholarly in style, formally structured and aimed at an audience that can comprehend detailed scientific, technical and economic arguments. The length of technical articles should be in the range of 1,500 to 2,000 words. Opinion pieces are more journalistic in style and relate a story in terms accessible to anyone with an interest in asset management. They may be informally structured and need not be referenced in detail. Typically, features are around 1,000 words.

Upcoming topics ( and submission deadlines) for future editions of the Journal are:

  • March 2024 (deadline 19 Feb): Asset Management in the Infrastructure Sector
  • June 2024 (deadline 20 May): Digital Asset Management (incl Digital Maintenance)
  • September 2024 (deadline 26 Aug): Agile Asset Management
  • December 2024 (deadline 11 November): Configuration Management

Current issue and previous issues of The Asset Journal can be found at

Please submit technical articles, opinion pieces, general features, industry news and media releases to