The Maintenance and Reliability Special Interest Group of the Asset Management Council (MRiAM) are putting together a webinar series for November on Maintenance Work Management.

We plan to have the first session give a general overview of what maintenance work management is but the following four sessions will be a more casual discussion “panel” style session where two people just talk back and forth on a number of pre-organised topics revolving around work management in their respective industries. These sessions will be an hour long with about 40 minutes of panel discussion and 20 minutes of audience question and answers, still in a panel style.  We hope to dive into the nuances of maintenance work management and share some really great insights from those who are in the thick of it as we have found these more detailed webinars to be some of the best ones we have attended in the past.

Each session will be on a different ‘style’ or ‘class’ of asset and each person will be from a different industry that works with that style/ class of asset.  The session topics we have decided on are:

  • Fixed Plant:  Alumina vs Cement
  • Mobile Plant: Mining vs Rail
  • Infrastructure: Buildings vs Roads
  • Services: Power distribution vs Water distribution  

So far we already have participants sorted for the Fixed Plant and Mobile Plant sessions but are looking for participants for the Infrastructure and Services sessions, so if you work or have worked in maintenance work management on buildings, roads, power distribution, or water distribution and are willing to be a part of this series please reach out to Lachlan MacLean or Allan Little.  Also if you have an idea for extra sessions and are willing to participate in them, please let us know!
All submissions of interest are required by October the 22nd so that we can finalise dates for the webinar series. Please send your interest via email to to be forwarded along to Lachlan and Allan.