We would like to invite you to be featured in AMCouncil social media presence for International Womens Day 8 March 2022.

The AMCouncil’s Women in Asset Management special interest group is taking the opportunity on 8 March (being International Women’s Day) to promote the #breakthebias theme, by featuring quotes from members on our Linked In and social media channels. We will be posting these sporadically throughout the day on 8 March.

 For those AMCouncil members interested in being included, we ask you to email us with a quote and a picture you would be happy to have included (even better with a pic of you doing the ‘breakthebias pose’, example hereby the end of this week, Friday 4 March.
Lucie Mitchell (WiAM Chair) has provide examples of quotes, to give you some inspiration:

  •  ‘I will encourage women in asset management roles to work together to overcome bias in the workplace’
  • ‘I will help organisations to include bias-defying actions in their asset management strategies’.

We would love for you to take part and look forward to hearing back from you with your quote and picture, if you would like to. Please email your contribution to heidi.robinson@amcouncil.com.au